- Products - Displays the products which have been quoted, billed or had time/charges assigned to them. The amounts quoted/estimated, recorded, billed, written up/down and unbilled are shown beside each product.
- Trust - Shows trust activity on the file within a particular period, including the current trust balance. Also provides access to transactions and balances on investment accounts.
- Disbursements - Shows activity on the Disbursements controlled account for the file, within a particular period and with the ability to filter based on whether disbursements are billed, unbilled or written off. It is also a platform for managing disbursements on the file.
- Debtors - Shows debtor activity on the file within a particular period, including the current debtor balance, and details about discount reversals and upfront billing. This is the entry point for billing.
- Anticipated disbursements - Lists all anticipated disbursements on bills for the file.
- Bad debts - Shows all activity on the Bad debts controlled account for the file, including write-offs and recoveries.
- Transit cheques - Lists transit cheques held by the practice for the file, with the ability to manage and release them.