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In ContactsLaw, you can block out time when a member will be busy/unavailable by recording an out of office (or busy time) entry. This is an alternative to creating an appointment which does not require an activity to be completed.

You can record busy time for yourself and any member you supervise or collaborate with.

Each busy time entry has a start time and duration and represents a contiguous block of time. Busy time entries cannot span over multiple days.

You can indicate one of the following general statuses (as well as enter your own optional description):

  • Attending education
  • Busy
  • Out of the office
  • Working elsewhere

Busy time entries are considered by ContactsLaw when performing appointment conflict checks, scheduling an appointment and querying available times.


To assist in blocking out regular absences, you can repeat (copy) a busy time entry in the following ways:

  • Until the end of the work week (as determined by system settings)
  • On this day for a total of 'N' weeks

When editing an existing busy time entry, you can choose whether to overwrite existing entries when you change the repetition options.