ContactsLaw contacts can be represented in
XML form. This provides a simple, structured, human-and-machine-readable format for exchanging contacts between installations of ContactsLaw and third-party systems. It is also particularly useful for connecting ContactsLaw to web-based forms and other environments where the users providing the data may not have access to ContactsLaw itself.
An XML document containing contacts should be named with the .cl-conx extension. The file may contain multiple contacts, either in unstructured form or within a <contact> definition, using a <relatedContact> element. Addresses and communications can be inherited by related contacts.
The following snippet demonstrates the ease with which contacts can be expressed in XML form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <contacts xmlns=""> <contact type="individual">
<names> <firstName>Bradley</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> </names>
<addresses> <address type="mailTo"> <country>AUSTRALIA</country> <postCode>6062</postCode> <streetAddress>27 Vera Street</streetAddress> <suburb>Morley</suburb> <state type="short">WA</state>
</address> </addresses>
<communications> <telephone preferred="true" type="home">0893752744</telephone> <email></email> </communications>
<gender>male</gender> <industry>Information Technology</industry> <position>Software Development Manager</position>
See also