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The disbursement journal (transaction number prefix DJ) is a special type of general journal used to record non-cash disbursements; i.e. where payment of the disbursement is disconnected due to credit terms, a running account or if originating from another source.
Disbursement journal
This type of transaction always debits the disbursements controlled account. The account credited is determined by the disbursement journal type, which will either be a specific general account or the creditors controlled account with respect to a particular creditor. (Disbursement journals to creditors behave much like creditor journals, and must be similarly reconciled.)
Although typically implemented as a single-step workflow, should the transaction be in a pending state, it will not be billable until it is authorised.
Once billed, a disbursement journal cannot be deleted; however, the transaction can be nullified by posting an equal-and-opposing transaction; depending on the type, this may take the form of a negative creditor journal or a general journal.

See also