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In ContactsLaw, files and their related records (i.e. documents) are secured using an opt-in permissions model. This is in contrast with practice-level permissions, which operate on the principle of least permission.
At the global level, files are accessible to all groups and members by default.
At workgroup-level, defaults can be configured for each group, with exceptions configurable for indivdual members.
Finally, on a per-file basis, the range of permissions can be configured for groups and members independently of the workgroup.
In the absence of configuration at any of these levels, the defaults from the upper level will be applied. If a workgroup or file is using the default set of permissions, it will be immediately affected by any alteration to the defaults.
With file security, the following can be controlled:
  • Opening the file's tab
  • Changing the properties of the file
  • Browsing/searching documents on the file - if this is denied, document names will obfuscated
  • Reading and editing documents on the file
  • Creating and registering documents on the file
In addition to the behaviour that can be controlled via these permissions, the following user rights are implied:
  • Only the file's manager and supervisor can:
    • Make changes to the file's workgroup
    • Appoint a new manager/supervisor member
    • Change the file's permissions
  • The file's manager and supervisor members are implicitly granted full access to the file.
  • Members with system administrator privileges have implicit access to every file in the system, regardless of each file's individual security policy.

See also

Workgroup permissions
Subsidiary company permissions