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InfoTrack Search Integration

This plug-in for ContactsLaw adds support for launching, pre-filling and processing search results from InfoTrack, an online searching provider.

It consists of several components:

  • Search activity which logs the user into the InfoTrack website and transmits contact and matter information to pre-fill searches.
  • Scheduled task that runs in the ContactsLaw Daemon and processes search results from InfoTrack
  • Search history screen for exploring past search results (requires an additional database connection)
  • Configuration screen

Initial setup

The search history feature is optional; however, if enabled, a database must be created on the application server to store the search results. This step should be completed by your system administrator, and can be done using a dedicated setup tool or by making a copy of the database (.mdf) file.


The configuration screen is divided into the following areas:

  • Authentication - The plug-in can operate in single or multi-user modes; in the former, you enter the single InfoTrack username and password into the configuration section - while in the latter, each member is prompted for a separate username and password and can opt to save these credentials for future use.
  • Database connection - This determines whether the search history feature is available. If so, the connection to the database (created in the previous section) must be configured.
  • Property details - InfoTrack allows a broad range of data to be used to pre-fill searches. This section of the configuration allows you to map ContactsLaw fields onto the fields used by InfoTrack. You can specify separate mappings for each workgroup.
  • Search results - This section sets the location of the "drop folder" (this should be the same as configured for the iTrack Service on the application server), the disbursement journal type used to post disbursements and mappings between InfoTrack search types and document types in ContactsLaw. At minimum, this section must contain a mapping for the '(any)' fallback type.

A recurring scheduled task for the 'Process InfoTrack searches' job type must also be set up to run in the ContactsLaw Daemon. The purpose of this task is to read the search results from InfoTrack into the database and process documents, disbursements and notifications. The recommended recurrence pattern is once hourly. The plug-in will attempt to process incoming results as they arrive, but the schedule allows any unintercepted results to be processed in a timely manner.


The InfoTrack search activity is intended to be launched from a file, however like many activities in ContactsLaw, you can add the file afterwards.
The activity will prepare a payload of information to send to the InfoTrack website, automatically including any fields that have been mapped for that particular workgroup. You can also select contact(s) to include; either from the file or any arbitrarily-added contact. The file number and member code are included in the payload.
When you click the 'Launch' button, ContactsLaw will log you into the InfoTrack website (prompting for credentials if necessary). The timer on the journal (if any) will continue running while you order the search. Depending on the type of search you order, the data in the payload will be used differently to pre-fill the web form.
Shortly after you finalise the order, ContactsLaw will notify you of the completion of the search, register any related document and post any applicable disbursement to the file.
You can review past searches (either globally or for a particular file) via the search history feature.