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The Interactive Forms Framework allows you to add custom views to the Ledgers tab at the file level, drawing upon data stored in custom tables. When combined with custom forms, they provide a complete platform for creating, listing, updating and deleting records.

The starting point for a custom ledger view is to select an existing table definition; this will determine both the structure of the data and the workgroup to which the view is added.

The components of a ledger view are:

  • Columns - Choose which columns from the table to include in the view, as well as how they should appear.
  • Filters - Add filters to the view which let the user limit the entries that are displayed (e.g. by date or category).
  • Conditions - Further limit the entries according to criteria you set internally.
  • Actions - Gives the user commands which can operate on entries in the view. These may take the form of action buttons, context menu items or simply double-clicking on an entry.


Selecting a custom table definition will populate the list of columns that can be included in the ledger view. You can re-order columns and change formatting options such as font style and colour. 


Filters consist of a column name and optional label. ContactsLaw will automatically create an appropriate filter control on the ledger view, depending on the column type:
  • Date/Time - A date range picker, as appears on other file ledger views.
  • Choice - A dropdown containing all possible choices.
  • Yes/No - Radio buttons.
  • Number - Number picker.
  • Text - Text field.


You can build a set of conditions which limit the entries displayed in the grid. These behave much like form rules, allowing you to perform comparisons between column values and combine conditions using boolean operators. If an entry satisfies the conditions, it will appear in the grid.


Actions manifest as commands which the user can perform on either the ledger view as a whole, or on specific entries in the grid. The former appear as buttons along the bottom of the screen, while the latter appear in the context menu when an entry is right-clicked. You can also specify a default action, which runs when an entry is double-clicked.
The following types of actions are supported:
  • Open URL - Opens a web browser and navigates to the specified location. You can build the URL from the value in a particular column, e.g.{reference}
  • Start activity - Starts a particular ContactsLaw activity. You can map column values onto input directives for the activity to pre-populate its fields.
  • Run form - Runs a particular interactive form (without the need to create an activity for it). You can map column values onto input directives to pre-populate records/controls on the form.

See also