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One of the cornerstones of ContactsLaw's CRM features is the capture of contact referral information. There are two main referral methods:
  • Referral sources
    A referral source respresents an initiative, campaign or other collective source of referral. They typically have a window of relevance (e.g. the running length of an advertising campaign), outside of which the source cannot be used.

    Conversion statistics are reported on a per-source basis, where a conversion is described as being the first file opened for a contact in respect to that referral source. This means that the same client may contribute to the conversion rate for multiple sources if it has a file in each. The value of business for a referral source consists of only those matters whose 'origin' is that referral source.
  • Referring contacts
    Referring contacts allow for an existing contact/client to receive credit for the referral of new contacts. Conversion statistics are reported on a per-contact basis, where a conversion is described as the transition from contact to client. The entire value of business (spanning all files) is attributed to the referring contact.

Prospective clients

If a contact is marked as a prospective client (i.e. by specifying a prospective workgroup), there is an option to make referral information mandatory. Providing this information allows for more granular reporting.