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In ContactsLaw, the contact summary tab summarises the information held by the practice about a contact. It is the starting point for all contact-level actions, and is designed to present the information in the most concise, relevant manner possible.
  • Contact - Describes the contact's name, type, CRM data and the most important related contacts, such as associated entity, head office and spouse. Includes a record of when/how the contact was created.
  • Correspondence - Shows the greeting/closing used when sending e-mails/letters to the contact, as well as the ability to scroll through the contact's addresses.
  • Communications - Lists all telephone/fax numbers and e-mail/web addresses for the contact, highlighting the preferred method of communication.
  • Notes - Displays any notes associated with the contact. These are short, concise remarks.
  • Related contacts - Lists all contacts related to the contact and the nature of each relationship.
  • Files - Lists the count of active and archived files for the contact, and the 4 most recently updated files.
  • Identification - Summarises any identification documents held/cited for the contact.
  • Financial - Summarises stored financial details for the contact, including bank account numbers and their preferred method of payment.


  • New file - This is the entry point for file creation.
  • Relationships - Displays contacts related to the contact (either directly or indirectly through other contacts) in a graphical manner.
  • Export - Provides a mechanism for exporting information about the contact to another application or system.
  • Delete - Deletes the contact from the system, or displays a list of reasons why the contact cannot be removed.