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In ContactsLaw, you can configure custom reporting at the workgroup level, enabling the generation of charts based on user-definable data belonging to the workgroup.
Creating a custom chart involves the following steps:
  • Selecting the type of chart
  • Defining the data displayed on each axis of the chart
  • Adding filters to limit the data displayed on the graph
Any charts you create within a workgroup can be viewed at the department level, on either the target workgroup, another workgroup in the department, or the entire department.
Some charting features are not available for custom charts, such as:
  • Multiple data series (e.g. including a budget)
  • Ability to place markers on the chart
It is important to note that, due to their dynamic nature, database queries associated with custom charts/reports have a high overhead. You may experience disruptions while loading reports which operate on a large volume of data, or which apply a large number of filters.

Selecting the type of chart

There are a number of considerations to make when defining a new chart, depending on the type of chart:
  • Line
    • Be aware that data points will be sorted according to their x-axis value.
    • If multiple data points could have the same x-axis value, consider using aggregation to combine them.
  • Bar
    • If the source data does not already group the values into categories, you can use modifiers to limit the number of bars displayed on the chart.
    • You can use 'Count' (instead of specifying data) on the y-axis to display a histogram.
    • If you limit the range of the x-axis to a certain number of standard deviations, ContactsLaw will assume that the y-axis value indicates the frequency.
  • Pie
    • The x-axis values will determine the 'slices' of the pie.
    • ContactsLaw will automatically convert the values on the y-axis into percentages of the total.

Defining the data displayed on each axis of the chart

Selecting what to plot on each axis involves the following:
  • Select the type of data to display
    • Workgroup field - Plot the values for a particular workgroup field. The field must be of the correct type (e.g. number, date, etc) in order to be meaningfully displayed. For fields which allow multiple values, only the first value will be shown on the graph.
    • Contact - Plots the contact/member in a particular role on the file. Use mainly for x-axis categories or filters.
    • Date - Plots one of the files' dates (created, archived, etc). You can modify the value to group by month, quarter, relative time of year, etc.
    • Member - Plots one of the member types on the file (manager, supervisor, etc). As with contacts, use mainly for x-axis categories or filters.
    • Active file? - Designed mainly for filters, determines whether the source file is active or archived.
  • Set the values of any properties/arguments for the chosen type of data
    • Each type of data has its own configuration. For each property/argument, you may have to choose from a list of values, or type your own.
  • Decide whether to aggregate the data
    • If the source data might contain multiple data points with the same x-axis value, you may wish to combine the values using an aggregate function (Sum, Average, etc).
    • The 'Count' function does not require you to select a type of data, as it simply counts the number of qualifying files.
  • Apply any desired modifiers to the data
    • Modifiers transform the raw values from the source data. Typically, they are applied to x-axis values to group data into categories.
    • The 'Quantize' modifier rounds values up to the nearest N; you can use it to arrange values into ranges/brackets.
    • The 'Group by date range' modifier groups date values into periods.
    • The 'Dates to categories' modifier allows you to group date values by 'throwing away' part of the date (such as the year - which would allow you to show months without respect to the year).
You also set various properties to determine how the axis/values are displayed:
  • Title - The title displayed on the axis.
  • Format - A standard number format string which determines how the labels on the axis are displayed (number of decimal places, currency symbol, date format, etc).
  • Scale - The size of one axis unit (in terms of source data units, e.g. each axis unit represents 1000 of 'x').
  • Precision - The smallest increment that can be displayed on the chart. For bar charts, this determines the width of each bar.
  • Range (σ) - Allows you to limit the x-axis range to a particular number of standard deviations from the mean. On bar and line graphs, markers for the mean and +/- standard deviation will appear on the chart.

Adding filters to limit the data displayed on the graph

By default, the entire set of files (active and archived) will be displayed on the graph. By adding filters, you can restrict the data displayed. Filters are displayed interactively to the user, using an appropriate picker control.
A filter, therefore, consists of:
  • The data on which the filter operates (any type of data from the previous section can be used for a filter).
  • The mechanism used to select a value for the filter (e.g. date picker, member drop-down, etc).
  • The default value (leave blank for a sensible system default).
  • Caption text appearing on either side of the filter control.

Accessing custom charts

Custom charts are displayed on the 'Reports' tab of the workgroup (or department). From the index, you can create or edit chart definitions, and double-click an entry to view the chart. Loading a chart will cause the tab to refresh, creating headings for the index and the selected chart. You can return to the index at any time to select a different chart to view.