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A tile is a large button with text and, optionally, an image/logo that allows the user to navigate to a destination in E-Receptionist.

Tiles have the following general properties:

  • Caption - The text displayed on the tile. All tiles should have a caption.
  • Image resource - An optional image/logo to display on the tile. Images can be reused throughout the design.
  • Size - Tiles can be one of several sizes on the menu:
    • Tiny - When stacked vertically, 2 tiles of this size equate to 1 normal-sized tile.
    • Small - When the menu layout wraps, it can accommodate 3 rows of tiles of this size.
    • Normal - Suitable for most purposes. Menus can typically accommodate 2 rows of tiles of this size.
    • Large - Intended for menus with only a few options, laid out across a single row.

All tiles should have a destination, which could be another menu, a telephone call or some other action. A tile with no destination attached would give the user the impression that they could interact with it, so this is not advised.