Files are created by the process of
file creation which can be started by clicking 'new file' from the summary page of any
contact. The time spent creating a file can be captured using a
journal. At the conclusion of the process, a number of other processes may be commenced.
Files are archived by the process of
archiving which can be started by clicking 'archive' from the summary page of any file. A number of criteria must be met before a file can be archived so, for the sake of convenience, you can also mark a file as being 'ready for archival'.
Properties of files
Each matter will have a number of
related contacts, but as a minimum will require a client.
The properties and behaviours of files are largely determined by their workgroup; however, at a high level, files can be one of these basic types:
- Client files represent the majority of matters. Client files typically attract time recording, fixed charges and disbursements and will be billed at some point in their life cycle. If the nature of the matter changes significantly or its scope widens to include additional products, it is recommended to create a new file. Figures for WIP, trust, debtors, etc on client files are included in performance statistics.
- Admin files are used for classification, the coordination of complex matters, office purposes and the like. Time and charges may be posted to admin files, but they usually have no dollar value. Admin files are usually never billed. Their figures can be displayed separately in reports and statistics. Admin files are ongoing and may run indefinitely after they are opened.
- Prospect files are used to record enquiries or targeted marketing activities which have not yet transitioned into billable work. You cannot create bills or post financial transactions to prospect files.
You can use
file relationships to model the association between two related matters, or show the progression of a matter whose workgroup changes.