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In ContactsLaw, the most valuable information about a matter is capturing using roles and the summary information for the file. The matter can be further described by its documents and, in turn, their roles and dates. In situations where other types of key information (such as property values, vehicle makes/models, descriptions of assets, etc) are required, ContactsLaw provides the ability to capture this information through workgroup fields.
Workgroup fields are definitions for capturable information on files, which are defined by the file's workgroup. A field can be shared across several workgroups, similar to the way roles function. The difference is that workgroup fields allow freeform text input. This text can then be inserted into documents via templates.
The definition for the field itself consists of a descriptive name and a field type. There are several types to select from:
  • Text
    • Normal text - The default field type. A single line of text with automatic capitalisation of the first letter.
    • Multi-line text - As above, but permits multiple lines of text.
    • Single word - A single word only with no leading or trailing spaces.
    • Name/title - A single line of text, automatically formatted to title case.
    • Text fragment - A single line of text with no automatic trimming or capitalisation.
  • Number
    • Whole number - Restricts the input to digits only. Reformats the value as a number.
    • Decimal number - Restricts the input to digits and the decimal point only. Reformats the value as a number.
    • Dollar amount - Restricts the input to digits, the decimal point and the currency symbol only. Reformats the value as a number.
  • Date
    • Date - Restricts the input to valid dates only. Reformats the value as a date in IEEE format.
  • Hyperlink
    • Document number - Restricts the input to digits only. Reformats the value as a link to a document. If the value is not a valid document number, the link will appear broken.
  • Choice
    • Dropdown - Provides the user with a discrete set of choices with which to populate the field.
    • Dropdown (editable) - Provides the user with a set of choices as well as allowing any other value to be entered.

In each workgroup the field is added to, different rules can be configured to govern its use; the field can be marked as required, it can permit multiple values and a suggested value can be provided.

Information is entered into workgroup fields at the file level. The corresponding set of fields is displayed, and the workgroup rules are checked before the data can be saved. When fields are defined, their values are also captured during file creation - mandatory fields must be completed before the 'Finish' button on the wizard can be clicked.

Specifying suggested/default values

Users should exercise restraint when thinking about specifying a default value for a workgroup field and consider the following:

  • If a suggested value is specified for a field marked 'required', the user will not be prompted to enter a value during file creation.
  • Avoid using the suggested value as a means of communicating the expected format of the field (e.g. "x%"), as these notes will follow through to the file if the user does not specify a value. Where absolutely necessary, these prompts should be included in the name of the field.
  • For non-editable dropdown fields, ensure that the suggested value falls within the list of choices provided.
  • For hyperlink fields, ensure that the suggested value is valid.

Modifying fields

When you rename a workgroup field, ContactsLaw will automatically update any references to the field in document types, templates, workgroups and files. You will, however, need to manually update document description expressions that reference the field.

Setting fields via document workflows (for advanced users)

In addition to being able to set workgroup fields manually, you can configure document workflows to automatically set the value of a workgroup field in response to some action/activity. For example, you may wish to update a field once a particular type of document has been catalogued for the first time on the file. (See also Document workflow)

Custom field types (for advanced users)

Plug-ins for ContactsLaw can define new field types that you can add to workgroups. The behaviour of these fields is entirely dependant on how the particular plug-in chooses to implement them; some may allow normal text entry, others may display a picker or popup window to edit the value in the field. When you save changes to the field, the plug-in may perform additional actions (such as updating a linked record). Custom field types can choose any internal representation for their values, and the way the values appear on the screen may not reflect their internal representation.